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Democrats Want Gas Tax Increase

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posted on Apr, 30 2008 @ 09:36 PM
If nothing else in this world makes everyone wake up and open their eyes to the absolutely incredible lack of concern the Democrats have for us, "the people";
this should...

A Democrat...

A Michigan congressman wants to put a 50-cent tax on every gallon of gasoline to try to cut back on Americans' consumption.

Polls show that a majority of Americans support policies that would reduce greenhouse gases. But when it comes to paying for it, it's a different story.

Rep. John Dingell, D-Mich., wants to help cut consumption with a gas tax but some don't agree with the idea, according to a new poll by the National Center for Public Policy Research.

Fox News

A Democrat...

A Michigan congressman ( Democrat John Dingell) wants to put a 50-cent tax on every gallon of gasoline to try to cut back on Americans’ consumption.

Wake Up America

A Democrat...

Barack Obama said Democratic rival Hillary Rodham Clinton and Republican John McCain are pandering to voters by advocating a summer suspension of gasoline taxes. They're just doing it "to get them through an election," he said.

Campaigning in Indianapolis, Clinton said lifting gas taxes "might not mean much to my opponent, but I think it means a lot to people who are struggling here."

USA Today

A Democrat...

RICHMOND, April 29 -- Gov. Timothy M. Kaine (D) said Tuesday that he would consider backing an increase in Virginia's 17.5 cent-a-gallon gasoline tax, despite the record price of fuel at the pump.

Washingtone Post

That should be enough to make anyone understand just how destructive and dangerous these people are.

Sure go ahead and vote for a Democrat; you get exactly what you deserve.


posted on Apr, 30 2008 @ 09:38 PM
He's just an ignoramus, and wants his voice heard.

Bush is at fault here and his oil barons- nice try friend.

posted on Apr, 30 2008 @ 09:42 PM

Funny these FACTS tell a different tale.

Today, the combined burden of federal, state and local gas taxes costs American drivers an average of 45.9 cents on every gallon purchased... In some states the combined taxes exceed 60 cents for every gallon purchased. In these times of concern over high gas prices, American consumers should remember that gasoline taxes have a significant impact on the amount they spend at the pump.

Tax Foundation

Your vehement and unrequited hatred is obviously not based on factual evidence, of course such emotional responses rarely are.

That is typical however of Liberals, so don't feel bad; all of you do it..


posted on Apr, 30 2008 @ 09:47 PM

Who is going to buy this story?

Sorry, but you are grasping at straws. Personally, i dont trust REPUBLICANS, DEMOCRATS, OR ANYTHING ELSE IN BETWEEN.

Do YOU have a stake in the Oil business? You would have to to pull this out of your rabbit hat.

But then i dont know anything. I have proven that time and time again, havent i???

Good luck with your thread.

posted on Apr, 30 2008 @ 09:52 PM
Actually everyone with a 401 or a money Market has some stake in Oil... If you check the portfolio on the investments being made on your behalf, you will see that is true...

I am confused as to what there is to "buy" or not "buy"????

1. The Tax Foundation
2. USA Today
3. Washington Post
4. Fox News

All reputable new organizations..

Are you saying they are lying???

Are you trying to say the FACTS they present are made up?

If you can prove this, I will gladly start the process of a formal complaint to all of those news organizations...


posted on Apr, 30 2008 @ 10:12 PM
Here is more on Democrats and taxes..

WAKE UP PEOPLE and stop believing the hype and rhetoric you are being fed by the haters that just don't care how much you suffer and how much money they RIP from your pockets!!!!


posted on Apr, 30 2008 @ 11:18 PM
reply to post by semperfortis

Oh lord, democrats want to raise taxes? Really? What else is new. What people just don't seem to understand is the reason behind these evil taxes. Taxes on gas raise the price of gas. As a result, people use less gas. The demand for gas goes down, the price goes down. As a plus, it's better for our ozone to use less gas. We all drive our big ass trucks around way too much in America. If the dems do it right, they'll use that tax to help clean up our environment or research alternative fuels. This is how they do it in Europe. Nobody complains, they just quit driving such ridiculously large personal vehicles and suck it up. Welcome to the new world, friend. The oil is running out.

posted on Apr, 30 2008 @ 11:29 PM
reply to post by drwizardphd

It seems that not all the experts agree with you..

Even so, our oil won't last for ever. At the moment, the world uses about 26,000,000,000 barrels every year. At this rate, there should be enough oil for at least another 40 years.

It is likely that more oil will be discovered in that time.

Oil companies are always searching for new oil fields and there are still lots more deep sea areas to explore.

Energy Institute

Will the world ever physically run out of crude oil? No, but only because it will eventually become very expensive in absence of lower-cost alternatives.

In any event, the world production peak for conventionally reservoired crude is unlikely to be "right around the corner" as so many other estimators have been predicting. Our analysis shows that it will be closer to the middle of the 21st century than to its beginning.



posted on Apr, 30 2008 @ 11:43 PM
reply to post by semperfortis

Let me get this straight, we're not running out of oil, we're just running desperately low to the point where it would be inconceivable to even consider it as a source of energy? My bad, I guess we're a lot better off than I thought.

As for having around "another 40 years" worth of oil, consider that as humanity has only been mass-consuming oil for around 60 years, and our rate of consumption is ever increasing. Considering we've used more than half of the economically available oil on the planet and have made very few if any significant advances in breaking our dependence on said oil, I'd say we're in a bit of a tight spot. It's pretty reckless to say "well there's still a good 40 years of oil left we don't have to worry about it right now."

posted on Apr, 30 2008 @ 11:50 PM
Dems raising taxes on gas.

Republicans striping aways the constitution like it was toliet paper on a roll.

We can't win.

posted on Apr, 30 2008 @ 11:53 PM
The copmbined tax burden on gasoline in the us is from 40-60 cents a gallon.
The oil companies make 10 cents of profit per gallon.
Yet somehow its the oil companies profits which are obscene?

posted on Apr, 30 2008 @ 11:53 PM
reply to post by semperfortis

Yep, the democrats want to raise taxes, and the Republicans want to borrow the $$$ from China... all of them are spending way way beyond our means, though, and that's the real problem.

You have some good articles there, things I have been hearing pop up on the news from time to time in several states. And yes, usually from Democrats. And yes, the worst thing the government can do right now is to raise gas taxes... but I will argue with you on Obama not backing the tax cut. My response to this is already in another thread, right here. The gas tax break will do a lot of harm and precious little good.

Other than that, good post. Just remember, the present two-party system in the USA is a two-headed snake... and both heads bite.


posted on Apr, 30 2008 @ 11:56 PM
reply to post by Shazam The Unbowed

Do you have a source on that 10 cent figure?

I'm not doubting you, but if it's true, something isn't adding up...


posted on Apr, 30 2008 @ 11:56 PM
reply to post by drwizardphd

Again, as you can see from my links, experts disagree with you. Perhaps you have some inside expertise we are all unaware of?

humanity has only been mass-consuming oil for around 60 years,

Not quite true either.

The most important oil well ever drilled was in the middle of quiet farm country in northwestern Pennsylvania in 1859. For this was one of the first successful oil wells that was drilled for the sole purpose of finding oil. Known as the Drake Well, after "Colonel" Edwin Drake, the man responsible for the well, it began an international search for petroleum, and in many ways eventually changed the way we live.

In the early 1850's, George Bissell, a New York lawyer, conceived a plan to try and produce this oil commercially.

Consider this - Pennsylvania was responsible for 1/2 of the WORLD'S production of oil until the East Texas oil boom of 1901.

Oil History

Also of note:

Daniel Yergin's Cambridge Energy Research Associates (CERA) disagrees. Its analysis finds that "the remaining global oil resource base is actually 3.74 trillion barrels - three times as large as the (claimed) 1.2 trillion barrels by (peak oil) proponents." CERA argues further that peak oil reasoning is faulty and, "if accepted, (may) distort critical policy and investment decisions and cloud the debate over the energy future." It states as well that the "global resource base of conventional and unconventional 4.82 trillion barrels and likely to grow" and bases its analysis on fields now in production and those "yet-to-be produced or discovered."

Its chairman, Daniel Yergin, noted that: "This is the fifth time that the world is said to be running out of oil. Each and the opening of new frontier areas has banished the specter of decline. There's no reason to think that technology is finished this time."

Daily Scare

As you can clearly see, many EXPERTS disagree with the assessment...

If you seriously wish to know why there is a mass scare tactic in reference to oil, please read this article.

Peak Oil Scare

It will enlighten and entertain.


posted on Apr, 30 2008 @ 11:59 PM
reply to post by TheRedneck

Take your pick.

Exxon makes about 6-8 cents. Other make more others less. 10 cents is an industry average.

[edit on 1-5-2008 by Shazam The Unbowed]

posted on May, 1 2008 @ 12:03 AM
Here are two sites that break down where the money goes..

CNN Money

Energy Information


posted on May, 1 2008 @ 12:07 AM
reply to post by Shazam The Unbowed

Thanks. I knew the governments (mostly states) are making more than the oil companies claim, but this is making a mess with some rough calculations I had in my head a while back.

Based on memory and some very rough mental calculations, I had estimated that the price per gallon of fuel (gas and diesel) was rising in pretty direct proportion to the cost of oil per barrel. That means that overhead would be so low as to not effect the calcs. It would also mean that the profit would have to rise as a percentage of the price, not a set amount per gallon.

Like I said, it was pretty rough figuring, and with this info, I'd like to go over it again to make sure I wasn't way off. Thanks for the sources.

edit: Thanks to you as well, semper.


[edit on 1-5-2008 by TheRedneck]

posted on May, 1 2008 @ 12:09 AM

Originally posted by semperfortis
reply to post by drwizardphd

Consider this - Pennsylvania was responsible for 1/2 of the WORLD'S production of oil until the East Texas oil boom of 1901.

You're actually proving my point here. Notice I said "humanity", not "Americans". People here tend to get the two confused. Yep, there's about 6.3 billion others out there, and unlike back in 1901 when Pennsylvania could produce half the world's oil, many more people in many more countries are using more oil than ever. You're simply not taking population into account. In 1901 there were hardly over a billion people, and a much smaller fraction of them was using oil on the scale that an industrial nation uses it. Think about it, that was before the model T!

Yes, there are lots of people scared about oil, and I'm sure there are those that feel it will run out and the world will end in 10,20,50 years. But in reality, we're already feeling the effects of our oil supply running out. This crisis isn't going to appear overnight, in fact it's already underway. It will be a slow, drawn out process, and as a result people who are too ignorant to see it happening will only make things worse by refusing to acknowledge the problem in the first place.

posted on May, 1 2008 @ 12:12 AM
Dont get me wrong its not a "pure" market price. OPEC's existence alone would preclude that. But its also a very high cost of investment, high risk field; which means margins are inherently low. Add to that artificial constraints on supply and rapidly growing demand; and boom, $3.00 a gallon.
The ethanol mandate is probably responsible for maybe 10%, then add lack of nuclear tech to offset our petroleum needs, and nearly no domestic production, and chavez and opec got us by the short hairs.

posted on May, 1 2008 @ 12:19 AM
Ok here’s what I remember. A very long time ago when Clinton was almost out of office he said something like this. Him and Gore was on this green kick.

“Americans need to stop having 2 and 3 vehicles per household. We need to stop driving our SUV’s and start taking public transportation and car pooling more.

The only way to do this is to raise the gasoline to around $8.00-$10.00 per gallon.”

I wish I would know where to find that statement today. I don’t know how too. I didn’t pay much attention to it. I do remember talking to my husband about it. He said no way gas would ever go that high. I was like well if he said it then they will do their best to get it there. So seems to me that is what they are doing.

Clinton in my opinion started this and Bush follow through with it. They are all setting back laughing and feeling their pockets up at our expense. They could care less what financial difficulties this could have on anyone.

They artificially inflate everything. Housing, food, gas you name it they have inflated it at the same time they have manage to lower starting wages and not have pensions and benefit packages for us that they had while working. What a very greedy generation we have leading us now!!!!

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